Starting Point for Success with Kids and Pets

Having kids and pets in the home can be very rewarding and provide many lasting positive memories. children.  However, there are risks associated with these kinds of interactions.  Risks can be decreased in many ways.  The first is to knowing body language and how to prevent potentially risky interactions.  The second is to put in some training before bringing home that new baby. And third is to be prepared with a management plan that allows needs to be met in a safe way.


The best thing to increase the safety in your home is to learn how your pets communicate.  Knowing what a stressed dog or uncomfortable cat looks like can allow you to intervene before the situation escalates. Identifying what situations are triggering to your pets before there is a small human that also needs your attention can be highly beneficial.  Recognizing these things will allow you time wot work through and build a better association with stressors or potential stressors that come along with new babies.

You can check out a cat body language video here.

Here is a video that highlights some subtle signs dogs give to express discomfort.

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Training before baby arrives

There are many ways to approach training before baby arrives.  The skills that are most important to build for one dog may be less significant for another.  Dogs or cats that are displaying concerning behaviors like resource guarding, high prey drive, or high levels of fear or panic should work with your veterinarian and a training professional to help them have the best chance of success.  Here are a few skills that can be very helpful.

For dogs

  1. Addressing situations likely to induce fear
  2. Impulse control games like ‘It’s Your Choice’ or a ‘leave it’ cue
  3. Go to bed/crate
  4. Item relinquishment
  5. Following cues from different positions
  6. Fetch

For cats

  1. Addressing situations likely to induce fear
  2. How to accept food in different situations
  3. Teaching a stationing behavior
  4. How to use food puzzles
  5. Nose target or come when called
  6. Cooperation with nail trimming

Here is a video about some ways to help a dog be successful when bringing home a new baby.


There will be many times with a new baby where you do not have energy to drain your pets’ energy.  Helping them learn to have fun with different ways of dispelling that energy prior to the baby’s arrival can help with the transition.  Food puzzles can be a great option to keep pets entertained.  Kong toys can be stuffed and frozen a head of time, so you don’t have to worry about prep when just coming home with a new baby.  If your cat or dog has never used a food puzzle it is important to give them time to practice with them prior to the big change of having a new baby in the home also.  Having food measured out ahead of time into containers for the first week or two can also be helpful.  That way you don’t have to worry about measuring your pets’ food, and if you have family coming to help, pets will be fed but not over fed.

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Another way to help dispel energy is to have a dog walker or utilize a doggie daycare service while adjusting to the new baby in the house.  It is best to have a few visits or walks with the dog walker if your dog does not already have these activities as part of the normal routine.  Doggie daycare services often have half day options that can be a good way to help your dog be comfortable with the new routine.

Having sets of toys in containers with cat nip that can easily be rotated can help keep cats entertained.  Young or very playful cats may benefit from a variety of interactive toys.  There are many kinds of battery operated and/or motion activated toys that cats may enjoy.  Be sure to introduce new toys before the arrival of the baby so your cat can learn to like them before there are changes in the home.  Be very careful, however, if you also have small children in the home who would be at risk of eating any small button batteries that these toys may contain.  Wand toys can also be a great way to drain extra energy.  Cats will often find them more exciting if they do not always have access to them.